Canadian ICED Honey
Inclusive . Cold-bottled . Emulsified . Discipline

Heat can have detrimental effects on the nutritional value of honey potentially destroying enzymes, vitamins, minerals.
Patented process enables Boreal Bee ICED Honey to never be heated for bottling.

What gives Boreal Bee ICED Honey it's light color?
Heat can dramatically affect the color of honey.
Boreal Bee ICED Honey is never heated and the purest form of Canadian honey.
Honey color is also determined by the flower. Flowers available to the bees include Alfalfa, clover, canola and many other wild flowers that are very light in color.

The Sweet Spot
Sweet, fresh, clean flavor unlike regular grocery store honey.
Canadian norther prairies provide pristine flora resulting in superior honey.
Boreal Bee ICED Honey isn't heated and the flavor could transform your opinion of what honey should be.